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Predictions for the Future of Travel | 2021

Predictions for the Future of Travel | 2021

What does the future have in store for travel? 2020 has been a difficult year for the travel industry and the first half of 2021 might be more of the same.

What does this mean for the future? What are the major travel trends that will shape our post-covid world? With the help from our friends at Booking.com we have 9 major shifts in travel that will shape the future of the industry.

The insights of this article come from a survey of 20,000 travellers!

The 9 trends that will most heavily impact the future of the travel industry are:

  1. Wandermust
  2. Vital Value
  3. Familiarists Not Tourists
  4. Search Escapism
  5. Safety Cleans Up
  6. Impact Awakening
  7. Bye Bye 9 to 5
  8. Simple Pleasures
  9. Spontechnaity


53% have heightened desire to see more of the world

Once the vaccine is more widely available and global travel restrictions are relaxed travelers are wanting to get out, explore the world, and see more. There is pent up demand for travel that has been restricted because of the global pandemic. When possible, travelers will return in full force to travel the world.

The tourism industry expected to have a sharp untick in demand to compensate for the once in a lifetime shock to the industry that was experienced as a result of Covid19.

Vital Value

68% expect travel companies to support their future travel plans via promotions

Travelers are looking for deals on their future travel plans. If they’re going to go on a vacation after the pandemic travellers are going to be value-shoppers, looking for the best deals on hotels, flights, and activities.

Providers that are looking to cater to these budget travellers will need to provide competitive promotional rates.

Familiarists Not Tourists

50% intend to travel somewhere they’ve already been previously for its familiarity

In general, travellers will be more inclined to visit places they have already visited. Since they’re visited the destination before, they’re aware of their surroundings, the local laws, and general sanitation practices.

The trend of the staycation is expected to continue and perhaps even grow. Many travelers are looking locally for great, close to home trips. These travellers are also motivated to stimulate their local economies and support the hurting travel industry in their backyard.

Search Escapism

38% looking at potential travel destinations as often as once per week

While in lockdown travelers have been planning their next trips! 38% of respondents have been researching destinations that they may want to visit after the pandemic. Many travellers will continue to plan out their future vacations and be ready to act quickly once restrictions are lifted.

These travellers have big plans for their travel. They are more likely to search for deals and will travel for longer periods of time.

Safety Cleans Up

70% will only book a particular accommodation if it’s clear what health and hygiene policies it has in place

Safety and sanitation will be a high priority for all travellers. Airlines and accommodation providers need to be forthcoming and transparent about their sanitation plans in order to ease the concerns of travellers.

Advertise your cleaning processes and safety precautions. Educate guests on regulations and guidelines in place in your community. Cleanliness will continue to be a major factor for guests long after Covid19 is behind us. The focus on cleanliness is a long term trend that will likely never be shaken.

Impact Awakening

53% wanting to travel more sustainably in the future

Sustainability continues to be a growing priority for travellers. Travellers will be attracted to eco-friendly providers that go the extra mile to minimize their impact on the environment.

Consider using eco-friendly, sustainable, local, and no-package products within your properties. Many accommodation providers are shifting to an eco-friendly solution.

Bye Bye 9 to 5

37% have already considered booking somewhere to stay in order to work from a different destination

The office has forever changed and with that comes opportunity and a new travel niche. Those with the opportunity to work from home are realizing that they can work from anywhere as long as they have a strong internet connection. These types of travelers are likely to book for longer stays.

Travel providers that prioritize this segment of the market should advertise their internet speed, workspaces, and ease of work.

Simple Pleasures

69% appreciate more simple experiences such as spending time outdoors or with the family while on vacation

The pandemic has caused a values shift in our culture. People are searching for simple experiences over heavily commercialized ones. This shift creates a lot of opportunities for businesses to adapt and provide outdoor, family-friendly experiences.

Remote destinations have seen a growth in demand during the pandemic and this heightened demand is expected to continue. Travellers are rethinking travel plans to city centres and instead selecting to travel to smaller communities.


63% will need to use the latest technologies to make travelers feel safe

There is a strong correlation between technology and travelers feeling of safety. In our now digital world, travelers expect all of their technological needs to be met even if they’re venturing to off-grid destinations.

Providers that integrate technology into their management service will benefit from greater visibility into their properties, operational efficiencies, and better guest service. Many vacation rental technologies can now be integrated with one another. The internet of things will shape the accommodation industry far into the future.

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