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Top 10 Airbnb Hosting YouTubers to Check Out

Top 10 Airbnb Hosting YouTubers to Check Out

Have you ever scrolled through Airbnb and thought, "Hey, I could do that!” Or maybe you're already a hosting pro but those five-star reviews just aren't rolling in like they used to.

If you're looking for a little direction, YouTube is overflowing with genius tips for Airbnb hosts of all levels. From creating a listing that shines to navigating those sometimes-tricky guest interactions, there's a channel out there waiting to show you the ropes and maybe even a few hidden gems.

Spotting the Airbnb Guru

Sifting through endless YouTube channels can be overwhelming. How do you find the Airbnb experts worth listening to? Here are 3 key traits to separate the gold from the fluff:

1. Real talk & real people

The best YouTubers tell their stories, warts and all. They share their triumphs and the roadblocks they hit. This honesty builds trust and gives you practical advice you can use in your own hosting adventure. Check their "About" section for background info and any partnerships they disclose.

2. Content with clout

Look for channels with polished videos that deliver clear, concise and genuinely helpful information. While a little entertainment value is nice, prioritize content that tackles important topics like pricing strategies, handy management tools and design tips. Bonus points for YouTubers who keep you updated on industry trends and hot topics.

3. Two-way street engagement

Engagement screams "trustworthy channel." YouTubers who actively respond to comments and questions show they value their viewers and truly want to help them succeed. This fosters a supportive community where hosts can share experiences and learn from each other.

From Beginner to Superhost: Top 10 YouTube Channels for Airbnb Hosts

1. Airbnb


Get the inside scoop straight from the source with Airbnb’s official YouTube channel. With 649k subscribers, this channel offers a mix of host tips, trends and inspiring host experiences. 

Whether you're a host or guest, you'll find useful discussions like ‘Host Q&A,’ tackling topics such as Airbnb’s support systems and review policy updates. Tune in to stay up-to-date and informed!

2. Sean Rakidzich

Airbnb Automated

Join Sean Rakidzich on Airbnb Automated, where he breaks down how to maximize your Airbnb profits without owning any properties. It covers everything from pricing strategies and maximizing occupancy to design tips and property management advice.

If you're looking to grow your Airbnb business, Sean’s channel is a goldmine of information!

3. Richard Fertig

Richard Fertig

Hang out with Richard Fertig on STR University. This former Wall Street Hedge Funder shares his journey and offers advice to help you excel on Airbnb and VRBO. Richard’s videos cover everything from real estate standards to vacation rental management strategies, making his channel a goldmine for aspiring hosts.

4. BiggerPockets


Wanna dive into real estate investing? BiggerPockets is your new best friend! Their channel is packed with tips on analyzing deals, finding and financing properties and much more.

From step-by-step guides to inspiring podcasts, BiggerPockets can be your key to unlocking financial freedom through real estate.

5. Optimize My Airbnb: I help Airbnb hosts make money

Optimize My Airbnb: I Help Airbnb Hosts Make Money

Wanna learn from a Superhost who's also a bestselling author? Check out Optimize My BnB with Danny!

His YouTube channel is bursting with bite-sized hosting tips, dives deep into specific topics, shares real guest reviews and even shows you the ropes on tools like PriceLabs and Smartbnb.

Danny's got all the insights you need to supercharge your Airbnb earnings and become a hosting rockstar.

6. Robert Lacob

Robert Lacob

Ever dreamed of turning your vacation rental into a money-making machine? 

This short-term rental sensei is sharing all his secret sauce on his YouTube channel. We're talking deep dives into vacation rental business strategies, finance hacks and basically everything you need to know to take your short-term rental to the next level.

If you're an entrepreneur with a vacation rental itch, Robert's channel is a goldmine of knowledge you won't want to miss!

7. Hostaway


Get insider tips and in-depth knowledge straight from Marcus Rader, the CEO himself. The channel is like having a vacation rental guru in your pocket, offering educational webinars and handy hacks to streamline everything from bookings to guest communication.  

Plus, get inspired by real-life success stories from hosts who've used Hostaway to take their rentals from bookings to rave reviews.

8. Levi Kelly

Levi Kelly

Levi Kelly's YouTube channel is your ticket to a global adventure through the most incredible rentals on Airbnb. This videography whiz takes you on epic explorations of unique stays, from charming tiny homes nestled in nature to luxurious glamping experiences under the stars.

But that’s not all, Levi's also a wiz at helping Airbnb hosts brainstorm ideas to create unforgettable guest experiences. Think unique add-on services, insider tips on local attractions and anything else to make your guests feel like superstars.

9. The Real Estate Robinsons

The Real Estate Robinsons

Meet Tony and Sara Robinson, the power couple behind The Real Estate Robinsons YouTube channel!

They're spilling the tea on all things short-term rentals, taking you along on their own investing adventures. From snagging smart properties to transforming them into guest paradises, they've got you covered.  

What's more, they co-host the BiggerPockets Real Estate Rookie Podcast, so you know they're the real deal.

10. Lydia Patel

Lydia Patel

Lydia Patel offers valuable advice and insights about running a short-term rental property. Whether you’re just beginning your hosting journey or preparing to buy your next Airbnb, her YouTube channel is a great source of information on financing, designing and scaling a vacation rental business.

Her straightforward and easy-to-follow YouTube content guides viewers through the intricacies of hosting while also managing the business of professional and personal lives.

Superhost Your Dreams

With so many fantastic YouTube channels at your fingertips, you have everything you need to take your Airbnb hosting journey to the next level. From creating a show-stopping listing to becoming a Superhost, these gurus can equip you with the knowledge and strategies to make your vacation rental a success. 

Remember, the key to success is to continuously learn, adapt and provide exceptional experiences for your guests. Dive in, explore these channels and imagine the possibilities – financial freedom, creating a memorable space for travelers and connecting with people from all over the world.

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